A little context: I’m updating the RadioSpiral app to use the (very nice) Radio Station Pro API that gives me access to useful stuff like the station calendar, the current show, etc. Like any modern API, it returns its data in JSON, so to use this in Swift, I need to write the appropriate Codable
structs for it — this essentially means that the datatypes are datatypes that Swift either can natively decode, or that they’re Codable
I spent some time trying to get the structs right (the API delivers something that makes this rough, see below), and after a few tries that weren’t working, I said, “this is dumb, stupid rote work β obviously a job for ChatGPT.”
So I told it “I have some JSON, and I need the Codable Swift structs to parse it.” The first pass was pretty good; it gave me the structs it thought were right and some code to parse with βΒ and it didn’t work. The structs looked like they matched: the fields were all there, and the types were right, but the parse just failed.
keyNotFound(CodingKeys(stringValue: "currentShow", intValue: nil), Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [CodingKeys(stringValue: "broadcast", intValue: nil)], debugDescription: "No value associated with key CodingKeys(stringValue: \"currentShow\", intValue: nil) (\"currentShow\").", underlyingError: nil))
Just so you can be on the same page, here’s how that JSON looks, at least the start of it:
"broadcast": {
"current_show": {
"ID": 30961,
"day": "Wednesday",
"date": "2023-12-27",
"start": "10:00",
"end": "12:00",
"encore": false,
"split": false,
"override": false,
"id": "11DuWtTE",
"show": {...
I finally figured out that Swift, unlike Go, must have field names that exactly match the keys in the incoming JSON. So if the JSON looks like {broadcast: {current_show...
then the struct modeling the contents of the broadcast field had better have a field named current_show
, exactly matching the JSON. (Go’s JSON parser uses annotations to map the fields to struct names, so having a field named currentShow is fine, as long as the annotation says its value comes from current_show. That would look something like this:
type Broadcast struct {
currentShow CurrentShow `json:currentShow`
type CurrentShow struct {
There’s no ambiguity or translation needed, because the code explicitly tells you what field in the struct maps to what field in the JSON. (I suppose you could completely rename everything to arbitrary unrelated names in a Go JSON parse, but from a software engineering POV, that’s just asking for trouble.)
Fascinatingly, ChatGPT sort of knows what’s wrong, but it can’t use that information to fix the mistake! “I apologize for the oversight. It seems that the actual key in your JSON is “current_show” instead of “currentShow”. Let me provide you with the corrected Swift code:”. It then provides the exact same wrong code again!
struct Broadcast: Codable {
let currentShow: BroadcastShow
let nextShow: BroadcastShow
let currentPlaylist: Bool
let nowPlaying: NowPlaying
let instance: Int
The right code is
struct Broadcast: Codable {
let current_show: BroadcastShow // exact match to the field name
let next_show: BroadcastShow. // and so on...
let current_playlist: Bool
let now_playing: NowPlaying
let instance: Int
When I went through manually and changed all the camel-case names to snake-case, it parsed just fine. (I suppose I could have just asked ChatGPT to make that correction, but after it gets something wrong that it “should” get right, I tend to make the changes myself to be sure I understood it better than the LLM.)
Yet another illustration that ChatGPT really does not know anything. It’s just spitting out the most likely-looking answer, and a lot of the time it’s close enough. This time it wasn’t.
On the rough stuff from the API: some fields are either boolean false (“nothing here”) or a struct. Because Swift is a strongly-typed language, this has to be dealt with via an enum
and more complex parsing. At the moment, I can get away with failing the parse and using a default value if this happens, but longer-term, the parsing code should use enum
s for this. If there are multiple fields that do this it may end up being a bit of a combinatorial explosion to try to handle all the cases, but I’ll burn that bridge when I come to it.