That email address is now officially defunct.
I created it back when I bought my iPhone 5.
Years ago, it got leaked, and it has since been used for everything from someone in Canada’s VISA card to a bank account in Vietnam to some bozo’s Marriott account. (Hey David: ppppppppbt.)
It got so bad that when Apple opened up creating Apple IDs with your own email, I did that, and essentially abandoned the me.com address.
I used it for political mail for a while, but I’ve gotten disillusioned that letting every random person running for office send me begging letters does any good. (They’re never “I did this because that’s what you sent me to Congress to do”, but “MY OPPONENT HAS MONEY! SEND ME MORE!” — and most of the time it’s futile anyway.) Mostly it was spam, people using it as a test email (especially screw you people: use MailHog or something. How are you going to know if the mail you’re sending looks right?)
I closed it today. Only had a couple things still left from the downloads I used it for, and I can reinstall them from my primary if I want them.
A grand experiment, but I’m not sad to never have to deal with it again.
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