You have an N step staircase that you can climb either 1 or 2 steps at a time. How many ways are there to climb it?
It was clear that this was a recurrence relation, and my instinct was to cache the computed values. This would be a better attack for a more complex problem; this is just a Fibonacci sequence!
I did do the cached one first, and I am very proud of myself for properly passing the cache through:
func climbStairs(n int) int {
// this smells of caching...and a Fibonacci recurrence.
// we know that if we're at N, it takes 0 steps to finish.
// if we're at n - 1, there is one option: take 1 step.
// if we're at n - 2, there are two options, 2 1 step, or 1 2 step.
cache := map[int]int{
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2,
return assist(n, &cache)
func assist(n int, cache *map[int]int) int {
if steps, ok := (*cache)[n]; ok {
return steps
(*cache)[n] = assist(n-1, cache) + assist(n-2, cache)
return (*cache)[n]
A huge winner on runtime: 100%! But poor on memory: bottom 9%. An iterative Fibonacci calculation’s probably going to win on this one…Interestingly, it doesn’t! Runtime 82%, memory 33%.
func climbStairs(n int) int {
// this smells of caching...and a Fibonacci recurrence.
backTwo := 1
backOne := 2
sum := 0
if n == 1 {
return 1
if n == 2 {
return 2
for current := n; current > 2; current-- {
sum = backOne + backTwo
backTwo = backOne
backOne = sum
return sum
Off to the solutions to see what’s there.. the most compact iterative solution still isn’t any better on memory, but is the same speed as the cached one I wrote:
func climbStairs(n int) int {
next, secondNext := 0, 1
for ; n > 0; n-- {
next, secondNext = secondNext, next + secondNext
return secondNext
I’ll call this a win, and ++ for dynamic programming.
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