I’m in the process of (somewhat belatedly) upgrading the RadioSpiral app to work properly with Azuracast.
The Apple-recommended way of accessing the stream metadata just does not work with Azuracast’s Icecast server – the stream works fine, but the metadata never updates, so the app streams the music but never updates the UI with anything.
Because it could still stream (heh, StillStream) the music, we decided to go ahead and deploy. There were so many other things that Azuracast fixed for us that there was no question that decreasing the toil for everyone (especially our admin!) was going to make a huge difference.
Addressing the problem
Azuracast supplies an excellent now-playing API in four different flavors:
- A file on the server that has now-playing data, accessible by simply getting the contents of the URL. This is only updated every 30 seconds or so, which isn’t really good enough resolution, and requires the endpoint be polled.
- An API that returns the now-playing data as of the time of the request via a plain old GET to the endpoint. This is better but still requires polling to stay up to date, and will still not necessarily catch a track change unless the app polls aggressively, which doesn’t scale well.
- Real-time push updates, either via SSE over https or websocket connection. The push updates are less load on the server, as we don’t have to go through session establishment every time; we can just use the open connection and write to it. Bonus, the pushes can happen at the time the events occur on the server, so updates are sent exactly when the track change occurs.
I decided that the websocket API was a little easier to implement. With a little help from ChatGPT to get me an initial chunk of code (and a fair amount of struggling to figure out the proper parameters to send for the connection request),
I used a super low-rent SwiftUI app to wrap AVAudioSession and start up a websocket client separately to manage the metadata; that basically worked and let me verify that the code to monitor the websocket was working.
I was able to copy that code inside of FRadioPlayer, the engine that RadioSpiral uses to do the streaming, but then I started running into complications.
Xcode, Xcode, whatcha gonna do?
I didn’t want to create an incompatible fork of FRadioPlayer, and I felt that the code was special-purpose enough that it wasn’t a reasonable PR to make. In addition, it was the holidays, and I didn’t want to force folks to have to work just because I was.
So I decided to go a step further and create a whole new version of the FRadioPlayer library, ACRadioPlayer, that would be specifically designed to be used only with Azuracast stations.
Initially, this went pretty well. The rename took a little extra effort to get all the FRadio references switched over to ACRadio ones, but it was fairly easy to get to a version of the library that worked just like FRadioPlayer, but renamed.
Then my troubles began
I decided that I was going to just include the code directly in ACRadioPlayer and then switch RadioSpiral to the new engine, so I did that, and then started trying to integrate the new code into ACRadioPlayer. Xcode started getting weird. I kept trying to go forward a bit at a time — add the library, start trying to include it into the app, get the fetch working…and every time, I’d get to a certain point (one sample app working, or two) and then I’d start getting strange errors: the class definition I had right there would no longer be found. The build process suddenly couldn’t write to the DerivedData directory anymore. I’d git reset back one commit, another, until I’d undone everything. Sometimes that didn’t work, and I had to throw away the checkout and start over. The capper was “Unexpected error”, with absolutely nothing to go on to fix it.
Backing off and trying a different path
So I backed all the way out, and started trying to build up step-by-step. I decided to try building the streaming part of the code as a separate library to be integrated with ACRadioPlayer, so I created a new project, ACWebSocketClient, and pulled the code in. I could easily get that to build, no surprise, it had been building, and I could get the tests of the JSON parse to pass, but when I tried to integrate it into ACRadioPlayer using Swift Package Manager, I was back to the weird errors again. I tried for most of a day to sort that out, and had zero success.
The next day, I decided that maybe I should follow Fatih’s example for FRadioPlayer and use Cocoapods to handle it. This went much better.
Because of the way Cocoapods is put together, just building the project skeleton actually gave me some place to put a test app, which was much better, and gave me a stepping stone along the way to building out the library. I added the code, and the process of building the demo showed me that I needed to do a few things: be more explicit about what was public and what was private, and be a little more thoughtful about the public class names.
A couple hours work got me a working demo app that could connect to the Azuracast test station and monitor the metadata in real time. I elected to just show the URL for the artwork as text because actually fetching the image wasn’t a key part of the API.
I did then hit the problem that the demo app was iOS only. I could run it on MacOS in emulation mode, but I didn’t have a fully-fledged Mac app to test with. (Nor did I have a tvOS one.) I tried a couple variations on adding a new target to build the Mac app, but mostly I ended up breaking the work I had working, so I eventually abandoned that.
I then started working step by step to include the library in ACRadioPlayer. FRadioPlayer came with an iOS apps (UIKit and SwiftUI), a native Mac app, and a tvOS app. I carefully worked through getting the required versions of the OS to match in the ACWebSocketClient podspec, the ACRadioPlayer Podfile, and the ACRadioPlayer Xcode project. That was tedious but eventually successful.
Current status
I’ve now got the code properly pulled in, compatible with the apps, and visible to each of the apps. I’ll now need to pull in the actual code that uses it from the broken repo (the code was fine, it was just the support structures around it that weren’t) and get all the apps working. At that point I can get both of the libraries out on Cocoapods, and then start integrating with RadioSpiral.
In general, this has been similar to a lot of projects I’ve worked on in languages complex enough to need an IDE (Java, Scala, and now Swift): the infrastructure involved in just getting the code to build was far more trouble to work with and maintain, and consumed far more time, than writing the code itself.
Writing code in Perl or Python was perhaps less flashy, but it was a lot simpler: you wrote the code, and ran it, and it ran or it didn’t, and if it didn’t, you ran it under the debugger (or used the tests, or worse case, added print statements) and fixed it. You didn’t have to worry about whether the package management system was working, or if something in the mysterious infrastructure underlying the applications was misconfigured or broken. Either you’d installed it, and told your code to include it, or you hadn’t. Even Go was a bit of a problem in this way; you had to be very careful in how you got all the code in place and that you had gotten it in place.
Overall, though, I”m pretty happy with Cocoapods and the support it has built in. Because FRadioPlayer was built using Cocoapods as its package management, I’m hoping that the process of integrating it into RadioSpiral won’t be too tough.
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