A Variation on “Clouds of Europa”

I’m still learning the ins and outs of VCVRack; there are so many interesting modules available, and so many different possible directions to go in!

I’m starting to lean toward something in the middle ground between Berlin School sequencing and complete wacked-out crazy, searching for an ambient location somewhere in that space. Jim Frye posted a video of his beautiful “Clouds of Europa” patch on the VCVRack forums yesterday, and I transcribed it from the video to see how it works. After some experimentation, I tweaked the settings of the macro oscillators and added a fourth one, put envelopes on them to add some more air, added some LFO action to vary the sound a bit, and lengthened the delay time to add some more texture to the bass.

I will probably revisit this patch and change over the Caudal to the Turing Machine and see what I can do with that as the source of randomness to feed Riemann, but I’m very happy with the result so far.
