Show report: 2020-10-31 “Pharoah Nuff” at

My last performance was not as smooth as I hoped, so this time I decided that I would find a way to streamline it even further.

I decided to go further in the direction I’d taken with the Wizard of Hz show, and strip down even more. I decided to try to perform as much as possible of the set on the iPad, and use the laptop solely for streaming and Second Life. This freed me from hassles in switching setups in VCVRack, Live, and the other software I’d been using, but it also meant that I wouldn’t be using either of my favorite synths for this performance (the Arturia 2600 and Music Easel).

Having had some time between performances to really experiment with AUM and I felt comfortable using it to lay out my performance. I decided that I wanted to keep Scape as my background/comping program, and that I’d set up a series of light-handed scapes to give me a through-line. I then sat down with MIRack and Ripplemaker to create multiple Krell textures that I could bring in and out, and also discovered a couple of lovely lead patches for Ripplemaker that I paired with a Kosmonaut looper. I also brought in a couple public-domain samples from old sci-fi movies, heavily processed with Kosmonaut again, and felt like I had enough material to do an hour’s performance.

I used the iConnect Audio4+, which I now finally have the hang of, and set it up so that I had two stereo channels from the iPad and one mono channel routed to the iPad through Kosmonaut (again!) for some subtle reverb when I was doing my intro and outro. With the setup I used, the iConnect kept the iPad fully charged through the whole set.

I used Loopback to connect the multiple outs from the iConnect to the stereo ins on my Mac, and monitored on headphones. I pulled up Audio Hijack, entered the stream setup, and was ready to broadcast.

I got up early on the day, started up AUM, and ran a soundcheck to make sure everything was working. All sounded good, and I was good to go.


I didn’t stop AUM, and as a result, it ran for several hours before I tried to start using it. This apparently triggered some kind of a memory shortage, and when I started streaming, I was completely mute. Fortunately, I’d cued up a prerecorded VCVRack texture, and started that while I was trying to figure out what was wrong. I gave up and restarted the iPad, and AUM came up like a champ.

After that it was pretty smooth. I was able to fade the various patches in and out, play the sci-fi samples, and improvise over the Scape-provided background. Once it was off the ground, the performance was very easy to do. I did forget and leave the audio feed from Second Life enabled, so as a result this was a very sparse performance, but the sparseness worked out very well.

Overall this was a great way to do a performance and I plan to refine this further. Of particular note is that AUM saves things so well that it will be trivially easy to do this performance again, should I decide to; this is probably the first time I’ve had a performance setup I felt was robust enough to say that!
