Controller unit testing

A lot of progress on multiple fronts to get me to the point where the the models are tested and working, and the registration controller works when manually tested. Its support functions have been unit tested as well.

Settings model

Working on through the code, I found and fixed a couple typos (SearchPage, not SeatchPage!), and then put all the model functions under test. The settings are properly initialized with sensible values for the fields that can be pre-initialized, and the load and save functions work. Overall I found the Mojo ORM to sometimes work very intuitively, and other times to be opaque enough that I just fell back to creating and running placeholder queries.

To prevent multiple sets of settings from being created, the model always sets the ID of the settings record to 1, guaranteeing that we have only one set of settings.

User model

We have the usual suite of methods for a user: do they exist, are they verified, can they log in. I decided to use Crypt::Passphrase as the hashing function and manage passwords myself instead of using the Mojo plugin. Since this is all inside the model, it’s not terrible if I decide to change it later.

Originally I thought that I should probably block multiple IDs from the same email, but I decided that I would allow it so that people could have IDs with multiple privilege sets. This becomes more necessary if the folks using the wiki start using access lists, especially if there are disjoint groups with people in more than one of them. Again, another decision that’s easy to change if I do change my mind.

The principle problem I had here was that I had set up the user table with an id primary key, but a lot of operations depend on using the username as a key. SQLite can do multiple primary keys, but the Mojo SQLite module doesn’t. It was easier to write a method that does a SELECT * FROM users where username = ? and returns the user than try to work around it.

The initial version didn’t have any password constraints; I added a function that does some very basic ones (> 10 chars, at least one upper, one lower, one digit, one special character. I used the POSIX character classes to try to start toward a more UTF-8-ish future.

The tests were getting crowded, and a bit too long, so I reorganized the tests by creating
a subdirectory for each model and controller, and copying the appropriate tests into it. I then went through the tests, making multiple copies, stripping each one down to testing just one thing. I last added a new test to verify that password validation worked, including whether the user was verified or not (not verified == failed login).


Next was refining the controllers.

I reworked the login controller to use the User model instead of doing everything itself. and set it aside for the moment.

The rest of this sprint went into the registration controller; I wanted to be able to add users natively before testing the login controller. The only tweak it needed to be able to just run was to add in an import of the Users model so it could indeed create users.

A quick run showed me that I’d need to shuffle around the template and work on the validation code; the fields were fine for the original demo, but there were ones I didn’t need (middle name), ones that were missing (username), and the “flash” error message from validation was at the bottom of the page. Swapped things around and everything looked good.

I then went in and disassembled the logic of the controller into input validation, username creation, and the actual messing about with the User model. I left the model manipulation inline, but thinking again about it, I think I want to isolate that in a separate method and unit test that as well.

Wrote the tests for both of those, and did some cleanup on the error messaging in the validation. It now gathers all the validation errors and constructs a properly-punctuated list:

  • The item alone, capitalized, if there’s one field wrong.
  • "Item_one and item_two" (no serial comma) if there are two wrong.
  • "Item_one, Item_two,...Item_n_minus_one, and item_n" if there are more than two.

I decided to just grab the fields and drop them into a hash, then pass the hash to the utility functions; this actually led to a lot of impedance matching problems, and it might have been better to build a tiny class to carry the data instead. (If I were doing this in Go, I’d use a struct and be sure that I couldn’t assign to or use the wrong field names because the compiler would catch me.)

The username construction adds a very nice module, Text::Unidecode, which does a pretty decent job of translating Unicode characters into an ASCII-coded equivalent. I decided to do this to preserve the simplicity of the link checking code; later on, when we get to the page decoding, that code will look for words that match the wiki link syntax and automatically transform them into links to a page of the same name. Making the link syntax more complex would mean that it would be easier to accidentally create links; it’s possible to use `` before a linkname to prevent this, but having to do that a lot makes using the wiki less pleasurable.

The decoded strings sometimes contain spaces, so a s/\s(.)/uc($1)/eg was needed to collapse the space and capitalize the letter after it.

I tested this a little bit manually as well, and the controller seems to work fine. The page is a little stark, but can probably be made nicer with some CSS later.

Registration controller’s going to need integration tests to cover the rest, and the login controller has exactly one line that isn’t directly concerned with logging the user in, so it’ll need integration tests as well. Next up is those integration tests and then I’ll start on the actual page display code. Most of the rest of the functionality is inside special processing attached to pages.

A pretty productive sprint!

